Scriptures analysis

The Memoirs are a kind of first note in which are stored in chronological order the records of debits and credits, sales, expenses and memories in general (including those of a political and family) that refer to the Memorial. Therefore we can deduce that such books, especially in the case avignonese, have served as preparatory to writing this book.

The Memorial – analytical writing of primary importance – welcomes, in chronological order, the first memory of the events involving movement in business credit claims (with the exclusion of the facts that generated concurrently variations of money) that refer to entries in the rear mastro (the Big Book). Their recordings are identified in sales and shopping of goods, in person and on commission (as appears from the account statements of net income and cost and expenses); liquidation of ancillary costs (which have their source in the extract-account expenditure); in the stipulation of insurance on commission; in debts and other receivables. The Memorial could also accommodate different accounts of the origin, as the account-current correspondence with the usual banker, the balance of which was then transferred to the usual mastro.

Flows were recorded in the Notebooks, in your transitory, payments and receipts through the record of receivables and short-term debts, thus avoiding to pass in the scriptures final.

In this book we find the first record of the expenses incurred for cash around a lot of goods bought or sold, in person or by commission, or at the time of receiving or forwarding on own account or that of others.

These notebooks contain entries “received” and “mandate” bales without rigor of form, depicted in the manner of recollections. The “received” actually limited to the mere act of receiving the goods, without the succession of ancillary costs, thus simplifying the passage of these consignments to “Notebook costs of merchandise” e al “Memorial”. The “mandate” instead, have the objective of providing a memorial to track sales and to stay close behind the outcome of shipments. This is generally true zibaldoni, which contain a wide range of topics, come “sent of stuff”; “remembrance of things more”; “bills of exchange”; “legaggi of merchandise”; “lettere mandate in più parti”, costs of goods, and so on.

In the Notebooks of household expenses are reported in detail all that was needed to maintain the “family”. In chronological order they were recorded expenses for the support of corporate employees, paid in cash, to include even the washing of clothes, expenses for doctors and medicines, the costs of the receptacles, the dishes etc.. These charges had a definite influence in this type of companies, dovendoli alongside those merchant because the house was one with the shop. Accommodation rates instead burdened on account of general expenses through detection of the analytical “costs of warehouse”.